Research Synthesis Essays from Primate Behavior & Ecology, 2020 taught by Jennifer O’Connell
Avian Visuospatial Abilities and Cognitive Specialization
Everyday interactions with animals stay endlessly interesting to me: whether it be pulling the back of my shirt out of a goat’s gullet or locking eyes with a black bear as her cub eats grapes at my feet. I don’t know if it's a result of my empathy and attention to detail (which both fuel my art) or that I grew up in urban Texas and rural Puerto Rico. I expected to pursue field-sketching as a career and to use my artwork as a voice for conservation but experienced a rude awakening when no one here seemed to even notice the coyotes running across campus or ravens mimicking laughter in the trees, let alone know the difference between snake skins and plastic bags. It wasn’t until I heard Dr. Lavond in the Learning and Memory course mention the homing behavior of pigeons, and their use of magnetoreception that I finally gained some insight on how complex the mundane creatures that adapt to urban scapes are and saw the opportunity to humanize some of the city’s “pests.” Feral pigeons are bombarded with deterrents and domestic pigeons plagued by captivity, so I’ll take this opportunity to touch on how their cognitive specializations point to more shared qualities than we realize, ranging from magnetoreception all the way to art criticism.
The first thing one notices in the groups of feral and urbanite pigeons are those with spoilt feathers that hinder flight, or whose pedal (foot) deformities that hop desperately to keep up. Most onlookers automatically attribute this to disease or the birds’ filthy living conditions and fail to recognize it as the results and/or consequences of adaptation. To elaborate, pigeons normally use straw and hay to build their nests, but in cities, they instead have access to thread, trash, wire and hair. If you’ve ever cared for a newborn baby, you probably understand the risks of hair tourniquets (the embedding of a thin hair or thread around the toe), which is exactly what can occur to the toes of these birds or deformities from several other dangers: anti-pigeon spikes, anti-pigeon netting, pigeon racing and captive inbreeding. All the mentioned issues make it extremely difficult for an affected pigeon to attract a mate, leading to survival of the fittest. As much as I hate to make the comparison, some humans suffer the same struggle for survival and deterrents (hostile architecture).
Moreover, one of evolution’s stealthy physiological adaptations gives these birds’ advantages over humans in navigation. The use of homing pigeons in history has demonstrated the pigeon’s ability to migrate long distances, suffer reorientation and be stripped of visual cues and still find its way to a home base, pointing to an allocentric map use. The theory of magnetoreception in birds in brief stems from feral pigeons’ and most birds’ possession of deposits of the ferromagnetic mineral, magnetite, in their beaks, and cells. We see neuron action potential firing sky rocket in the trigeminal ganglion when one of the variables (direction, inclination, or intensity) in the magnetic field changes leading us to believe that these magnetic deposits link to the trigeminal nerve (Cadiou & McNaughton 2010). These neuronal firing patterns could with further study end up conceptually similar to place, direction and grid cells, that humans use but instead of being built on memory of auditory or visual sensation, be built on magnetic sensation. Now, if you’re questioning how this even stranger quality could humanize these birds, note that they share this sensitivity to the geomagnetic field with fish (which use single-domain magnetite in the cell soma) and other members of the animalia kingdom, and despite still being unsure of the inner workings of their magnetoreception, we may have gotten closer to finding the theorized hub of magnetoreception in humans through a flaw in their navigation—disorientation from light. Certain birds’ homing abilities malfunction when exposed to red or yellow-orange light (Cadiou & McNaughton 2010). In subsequence, scientists found a protein known as a cryptochrome behind the retina (common in many animals with magnetoreception, also found in humans) where they believe a chemical reaction is triggered in response to the magnetic field.
Now, for the flexibility of pigeon’s purely cognitive specializations, scientists have managed to train them in counting, word vs. non-word recognition and discrimination between good and bad art. Pigeons show the first and second signature of number cognition, but only Corvids demonstrate knowledge relating to the third signature number cognition by portraying understanding of water displacement by manipulating it to get a reward. Aside from having powerful visual abilities in the physiological sense (perception of far more colors than humans), birds can be trained to detect visual patterns and categorize new images from previously extracted information. This translates from the recognition of words in opposition to nonwords, where they detect orthographic signatures, and bigram frequencies (the reoccurrence of letters as pairs) and spacing cues (Scarf 2016). In the art scene, pigeons can use non accidental properties and metric properties to form connections of relativity between objects i.e. sameness or differentness. Just like the orthographic recognition, they can extract former patterns that were, say, associated with a Picasso, and recognize them in a new Picasso image (Brooks 2009). These discrimination tasks can only inform us so much on the natural object recognition in pigeons, but they do exhibit that with minimal training they can begin to understand occlusion, object persistence and identity (Dipietro 2002).
So, perhaps pigeon cognition is the key to training AI to correctly perform object recognition or discovering a sixth magnetic sense in humans or further corvid studies on voice mimicry will open new doors for AI’s vocal rendering. Regardless, these feral pigeons and doves have served man through wars and the crusades, and now in science, so I’d argue they deserve more consideration than they’ve been given in the cities we share.
Brooks, D. (2009, September 22). The Pigeon as Art Critic. Retrieved from
Cadiou, H., & McNaughton, P. A. (2010). Avian magnetite-based magnetoreception: a
physiologist's perspective. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface, 7 Suppl 2(Suppl 2),
Dipietro, N. T., Wasserman, E. A., & Young, M. E. (2002). Effects of Occlusion on Pigeons
Visual Object Recognition. Perception, 31(11), 1299-1312. doi:10.1068/p3441
Emmerton, J. (n.d.). Birds' Judgements of Numbers and Quantity. Retrieved from
Naish, D. (2014, September 10). Footless urbanite pigeons. Retrieved from
Scarf, D., Boy, K., Reinert, A. U., Devine, J., Güntürkün, O., & Colombo, M. (2016).
Orthographic processing in pigeons (Columba livia). Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 113(40), 11272-11276. doi:10.1073/pnas.1607870113